Creatine is a precursor to the bio-energetic fuel creatine phosphate, which replenishes cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels during maximum intensity contractions. Supplementing with creatine can increase creatine phosphate in muscles to improve work output capacity, power, recovery and muscle hydration.
Muscle Kingdom® uses German Creatine to deliver you the highest purity compound available. Our vegan formula is made with Puretine® - 100% German Creatine™ to provide that powerful pre and post workout nutritional boost.
Our Puretine® Creatine Monohydrate has been micronized to greatly increase absorption and reduce side effects. It is also more effective than common Creatine Monohydrate.

▪ Create boosts muscle strength, size and endurance.
▪ Creatine acts as a lactic acid buffer and improve exercise recovery time.
▪ Creatine stimulates protein synthesis.
▪ Creatine supplementation shows promising effects on diabetes, especially in glucose management and insulin secretion.