Whey Kingdom is a perfectly well balanced blend of high-quality proteins designed by Muscle Kingdom® to help you increase and maintain lean muscle mass, speed up muscle repair and recovery, as well support protein absorption.
Superior Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, glutamines peptides, creatine monohydrate, branched chain amino acids, and i-glutamine made up this balanced and completed blend. A precise dose of key amino acids (Alanin and Taurine) are included to help your body recover and build muscle faster.
Our formula contains 52g of powerful micro-filtered, lean muscle-building protein to help your body get lean and toned, as well as increase your athletic performance.
NO Fillers | NO Artificial Colors
NO Aspartame | NO Fructose | ZERO Sugar

▪ 52g of high quality whey protein complex per daily serving
▪ 18g glutamine and percursor per serving
▪ 16g BCAAs per serving to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance
▪ Glutatamine helps prevent muscle breakdown, supports reduction of body fat, and increases lean muscle mass
▪ Weight management - high protein and low cards diet
▪ Weight management - whey can help to satiate your appetite
▪ Contain lean muscle-building protein to help you get lean and tone, as well as increase athletic performance


This form of powder typically has a low level of fat and cholesterol content when compared to regular whey protein. It is also higher in carbohydrates which come in the form of lactose - a sugar compound derived from glucose, most commonly found in milk.
This is usually compressed and reined in a process that will remove the fat and the lactose from the compound, making isolate one of the leanest protein powders by trade and comprising of over 90% protein content per serving. Whey isolate can sometimes be lactose-free, which makes it a suitable product for vegan, vegetarians, and those allergy to dairy.
This is simply a whey protein that had gone through the process of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is comprised of two terms: Hydro - meaning water and - lysis which means to remove or unbind. Whey protein that undergoes the hydrolysis process simply is whey protein that has had addition of water into the substance to allow for the protein to be broken down for the sole purpose to be meabolized much easier.
MKTB® is a mix of whey concentrate, whey isolate and hydrolyzed whey, meaning you get the benefits of all these 3 whey protein types in one protein powder.
WHEY KINGDOM is a premium muscle gaining formula infused with MKTB®, developed to help aid muscles growth and development. If you want to make the most of all the benefits of whey protein, then make WHEY KINGDOM your everyday protein powder.

We have worked out the optimum protein per serving, combined proteins containing high biological values, and achieved amino acid profiles that are unsurpassed in the industry in the quest to help you increase and maintain lean muscle mass, speed up muscle repair and recovery, and support protein absorption.